Published by Vagabondage Press, EXPERIENCED: Rock Music Tales of Fact & Fiction explores the topsy-turvy world of rock 'n' roll as only fine literature can. Its 16 compelling narratives relate the lives of touring musicians and touring fans, label signings gone awry, the evolution of life as a roadie, or (in one case) a DJ with a serial killer for a caller. While the stories are unique to each writer, you’ll discover within them an experience that is universal. Some are fiction and some non-fiction, but they’re all true.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Memphis' Gift to the World

In Corey Mesler's wildly entertaining and occasionally hilarious "The Growth and Death of Buddy Gardner," a rock critic narrator plies every $10 word at his disposal to describe a rock legend from River City, a very big star. Buddy's stay amid the limelight eventually came crashing down, but not before he'd penned such classics as "Wrong for the Right of Way," "Buttermilk Thighs," and "Haley Mills' Underpants."

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